welcome 2 my blog... here i post about stuff that happens 2 me on a daily basis ^^ not daily btw its just when i want to
back to the index!
posted may 1st, 2023
today i'm making this blog!! ive been wanting a place where i can make genuine blog
entries for a while (tumblr does NOT cut it) so i'm very happy i can do that here!!
i was going to do it yesterday but i ended up getting too distracted by playing
kingdom hearts to do anything... so i'll just write yesterday's stuff for today ^_^
i've been actively putting off fighting xemnas in kh2 and beating the game because i
REALLY wanted to get my journal % up for the endgame battle report but i decided it
wasn't worth it... (those mushroom xiii heartless are SO tough for NO reason OTL) i
had been grinding out my drive forms for growth abilities beforehand and in the process
i accidentally overleveled myself way too much :( i'm pretty sure you're supposed to fight
xemnas around level 55 in standard and i was....level 73.......... next time i play kh2 i
gotta make sure not to do that